With offices in central Worcester, Scott has mastered the game as the “less-obvious” design king. Ensuring Union has situated themselves as the go-to source for a different kind of creative services provider. Currently in the process of reviving refreshing a bordello bar brand Scott states it’s going to be "unlike anything you’ve ever seen before". Scott filled us in on his day (Wednesday, July 6th, to be precise), which included a rack of ribs, doing planks for several minutes, and why he chose to spend time with his friends indulging in a few ales.

5:40 AM: "I woke up, and started working right away reading emails from late at night before grabbing an espresso and heading to the gym for a brutal kick boxing session with a personal trainer. I have my son stay over a few times a week and on the school days I have to get him up and out, but today was a training day.”

6:20 AM: "Hard, hard session this morning. I’m trying to drop fat and after a weigh-in I find I’ve lost quite a bit this last 7 days which seemed to make my trainer want to up the intensity even more!!”

7:30 AM: "Right now I’m on a diet, so I ate/drank banana protein blended with peanut butter, ice, raw oats and coconut water for breakfast."

8:00 AM: "I have a weekly meeting with a client I need to prepare for. One of the facets to our business is that we can strategically drive social and digital content. For this client we do just that."

9:00 AM: "Weekly report and recommendations planned I have 90mins to reply to the emails I read first thing. This is when the rest of the team will have arrived into the office so we plan out what needs to be worked on that day in the studio. We have a weekly plan but we also need to be fluid and jump on urgent bits."

10:30 AM: "I have my client meeting – all is good and we move on to planning for a major event in September."

12:00 PM: "I’m starving. I had a couple of boiled eggs at 11pm after my meeting but I need to eat every two hours. I decided to hang on until 1pm."

1:00 PM: "Lunchtime – sushi today. But not seafood, I don’t like seafood. Beef and veg wraps with a soy dipping sauce. It’s ok, but I’m craving something more caveman style!"

2:00 PM: "Conference call with a soon-to-be client; A luxury men’s shoe brand. Very excited about this, as our biggest aim for this next twelve months is to work with one or two fashion brands. Our Client Services Director and partner in the business (oh, and my wife) is a marketing strategy guru – she will run the show on this one as its strategy-based, not creative.

2:30 PM: "Finally getting to work on that cool brand I was talking about earlier. I spend a long time preparing and looking at inspiration before I start coming up with concepts. We are lucky because this client loves what we do and is very open to new things”.

5:00 PM: "I’m writing a script. It’s something that I work on everyday for one hour. It’s a project that I’ve been working on for a while. I previously created and ran a very successful horror-based survival event but I’ve always had a book/film in me fighting to get out."

6:30 PM: "We’ve been receiving a food and recipe parcel each week from Hello Fresh. I couldn’t recommend it enough. However, today is my best friend’s birthday and we are off to a new smokehouse for a meat-fest. Racks of ribs get in ma belly!! – No chips, just meat. It’s all protein after all"

10:30 PM: "Zzzzzzzz… (I do have training again in the morning after all!)"

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